Cypress Home Inspections LLC
Spectora Template
Residential Home Inspection
The price of this template is $299
This should pay for itself after 1 inspection.
New Construction Punch List
Sewer Scope (Video Plumbing)
Pool / Spa
Mold Testing
Infrared / Moisture Meter
Wood Destroying Insects
Pest / Rodents
The Cypress 3.0 template
includes everything listed below.
Including ancillary services.​
How this works?
Fill out the Request Template form below.
Enter Your Email Address.
​The email that is connected with your Spectora account.
​This is how the template will be inserted in your (my templates).
We Accept these forms of payment.
Venmo / CashApp
Once the form and payment has been received, you will have this template
within minutes.
Lifetime of Free Updates!!
Please like the “Cypress Template” page on Facebook for further information and future updates.
If you don't hear from me within 1 hour. Please text me
"Template request form filled out"
As a southern Louisiana inspection company this template will not cover basements, boilers, snow concerns, etc.
Recommend adding any additional information from other templates to best suit your area.